Top 5 online casino bonus

The power of online casino bonuses should never be underestimated. The bonus is what first attracts potential players at a particular casino and can influence they deposit their money once, twice or even five times!

As with all things, everyone has different tastes when it comes to the type of premium or the amount they wish to receive. Some people like to play for free, others prefer to deposit their money first and then get bonuses later.

Before you get distracted by the flashing lights and a $ online casino, here is a list of some of the best online casino bonus:

1. No deposit bonus - Also known as a welcome bonus or sign up bonus, which basically allows you to play free casino. Different casinos offer different amounts ranging from $ 20 to as high as $ 1,500. Often, the player will be a time for how long they can use the money for, like an hour. If the player can earn some money can be transferred to the real casino to continue playing.

2. Bonus percentage - generally known as a bonus, it may vary depending on the amount of your deposit. The basic principle of this bonus is that for every dollar you deposit, the casino will give you a little money. Bonus percentage may be as little as 50% or as high as 2000%. For example, if you are offered a bonus of 100% means that you deposit, the casino will match 100%.

3. Bonus preferred - Some casinos offer a small percentage increase on your deposit if you select the preferred payment method. This is an easy way to get extra money to use at the casino.

4. Loyalty Bonus - Once you have started to play an online casino, they will often try to encourage you to continue to play with them by offering attractive premiums. These are known to be very generous and will improve according to the VIP player.

5. Progressive Bonus - This is not so common, but has the potential to make you very rich. Casinos will often use this as a way to celebrate an event or mark an occasion. A percentage of all deposits at the casino for a certain period of time contribute to a progressive jackpot. Players will receive a ticket when they reach a certain amount, for example, a ticket for every $ 20 they deposit. The jackpot is then drawn and the winners announced.

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